Monday, March 14, 2005
One Word, One Syllable
This next piece is intentionally longer. By using one syllable words, Jojo Ballo creates an illusion of a longer poem, that goes around the limits of the few words that can be sandwiched in a Tanaga. In a haiku, tanka or tanaga, words can can only get you so far. Syllable count had always been the harder part in writing poems with measure. However, four lines would net a writer more space for words when utilizing this device, as in this example:
The sky in its grace rained tears
The wind in its haste left years
In my mind they wear the forms
That silence the dance of storms
- Jojo Ballo, Philippines.
posted by Jardine Davies @ 4:53 AM
Very nice! It inspires me to write tanaga in English.
Very nice! It inspires me to write tanaga in English.
i enjoyed the last line 'that silence the dance of storms'.
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